
If you’re reading this right now, chances are good that you’ve come to the decision that you want to make some positive changes to your body, but aren’t quite sure where to start. The information I have provided is for busy executives but the concept applies to those who are just starting out on this journey of strength training as well. 

We all lead an incredibly busy lifestyle and finding the time of day to get workouts in is something that does prove to be great concern.

Perhaps in the past you’ve brushed off thoughts of getting started on our very own workout program for this precise reason – you wanted to create change, but you were just too busy to make it happen. Heck, you might have been too busy to even find a workout plan to follow.

But this time you’re detrained. You know all the main benefits to performing strength training on a regular basis and let’s face it, you aren’t getting younger.  Now is the time to start making positive changes in your life so that you can lead your best life possible.

And the great news is that the resources is here to help. We are going to prove to you that keeping in great shape does not have to take hours and hours each week.

In fact, in just 3, 30 minute sessions, you could easily make significant progress, boost your strength levels, increase your metabolic rate so that you can burn fat at top speeds, and move on step closer to obtaining your dream body.

Remember, it’s never ‘too late’ to make positive changes.  Even if you’re currently 50+ years old, you can still see remarkable progress and create your very own transformation.

If you work as a busy executive, leading the 9-5 lifestyle, your day is full. By the time you finish up at work, deal with all the meetings you have to prepare for, and fight traffic to get home, it could easily make for a 10 hour day – sometime even longer if you happen to be working late.

Further, if you’re an executive who’s always on the road traveling, then you have a whole other set of elements to contend with as keeping up a ‘regular gym workout’ at your home gym would be a futile effort at best.  You’re constantly on the road so regularity is just not a part of your vocabulary.

Our mission here is simple.

We’re going to guide you through everything that you need to know to put together a proper strength training workout program that is going to work with your busy lifestyle.

Each portion of the program is going to be based around the fact that every single minute you spend doing your workouts must count because for you, time is money. You don’t have a minute to spare and you definitely do not want to be putting in time at the gym or at home doing workouts that aren’t going to be paying off.

In this guide, we’re going to first talk about why you should strength train in the first place.  What makes this form of exercise so powerful?  We’ll give you the details.

Next, we’ll go over the differences between strength training versus bodybuilding. While they are two very similar types of activities, there are definitely some notable differences that you do need to know.

From there, we’ll go over the anatomy of the body.  It’s important that you understand the different muscle groups so that you can easily see which each exercise is going to be targeting.

After that’s finished, then we’ll go over the precise requirements to put together a good strength training program.  We’ll talk about what the best exercises to perform are, how often you should be doing your workouts, what level of weight you should be using, as well as the importance of good form.  We’ll also outline the importance of set and rep selection along with your periods between. All of these factors go into determining how you should be structuring your workout to reach the goals that you have set.

Once you have a firm basis of understanding of that, then we’ll proceed forward and talk about how you can create a strength training program that’s incredibly time effective.  This is going to be an important chapter for you to read especially due to the fact that you do lead such a hectic lifestyle.
Moving along, we’ll go into some of the most common strength training mistakes that people make as they progress through their program so you know precisely what you shouldn’t be doing if you want to get the results you’re hoping for.

At times, it can be just one small mistake in programming or how you’re going about the workout that costs you big-time as far as your results are concerned.

Once we’ve finished discussing those points then we’ll provide you with a gym workout that you can be doing. This will be your complete guide to get you kick-started on your program and off to the path of success.

After that, we’ll list home workout options to consider for those of you who do want to workout in the comfort of your own home. If there are no gyms in your area, you simply prefer a more private environment, or you simply don’t have time to drive to the gym and want to workout first thing in the morning, home workouts can be a perfect solution.

After that, we’ll provide you with a home or hotel workout plan to utilize.  For those who travel, this will be an important piece of the puzzle.

From there, we’ll be discussing what you can do to advance your fitness level after you’ve formed a good foundational level of strength by completing your programs for a month or two.

Then to finish off, we’ll be going over what you need to know about overtraining to ensure this doesn’t take you out of the game, along with some important nutritional tips to keep in mind so that you can maximize your success. Here is the summary:

Chapter 1: Why Strength Train?
Chapter 2: Strength Training Versus Body Building
Chapter 3: The Anatomy Of The Body
Chapter 4: The Requirements Of A Good Strength Training Program
Chapter 5: Strength Training On The Go
Chapter 6: The Most Common Strength Training Mistakes
Chapter 7: Your Gym Workout Program
Chapter 8: Home Workout Equipment Options
Chapter 9: Your Home/Hotel Workout Program
Chapter 10: Methods Of Advancement
Chapter 11: Overtraining: What You Need To Know To Prevent This Problem
Chapter 12: Nutritional Tips To Maximize Your Success

Once you’ve read through all of this content, you should feel 100% fully ready to get started and dive into your very own workout program, finally seeing the results that you’re after.

When it comes to making a body transformation and getting a lean, fit, and defined figure, it really only takes three FOUR key components. (secret sauce if you like)

  1.  An overloading stimulus – this is what causes the body to break down slightly, after which it’ll build itself back up stronger than it was before
  2. Rest – rest is critical because without rest, you won’t be giving the body time to grow back stronger than it was before
  3. Proper nutrition – what you eat provides the building blocks of what you’ll build new muscle tissue out of, so this is a critical component. You can spend hours in the gym, have the best workout plan but if your meals comprise of fries and hamburgers, it is not going to work. There is a time for cheat meal but we shall go into that next time.
  4. Consistency - this is the most overlooked component of getting your desired body. Too many people gave after a few sessions or worse still, they keep procrastinating till they cultivate a habit of missing workouts. 

Get these four items in place and you can rest assured that you are on track to success.

So now that you know what we’re going to cover and what you must be doing to realize physique improvements, let’s move forward and begin our discussing with why strength training is the most powerful form of exercise out there. 

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