Chapter 12: Nutritional Tips To Maximize Your Success

Post Workout Nutrition is very important

Nutritional Tips To Maximize Your Success

As someone who’s very busy on a daily basis, going to work meetings, performing presentations possibly meeting clients after work, and so on, it’s going to be important that you are finding the time to look at your overall nutritional strategies.

One mistake that some people make is thinking that if they just do their workouts, results will come.  That’s all they need to be concerning themselves with.

While there is no question that performing the right workout on an ongoing basis is going to yield excellent results as far as your progress goes, there’s also no question that if you aren’t looking after your diet, you results will not be nearly as good as they should be.

In fact, diet can account for up to 80% of the total results that you see, so this is not something that you want to be taking lightly.
Fortunately, for many people, they can see vast results simply by improving their diet slightly and making a few changes here and there.
Rather than doing an entire diet overhaul and becoming overly strict with an intense plan that you know very well you’ll never be able to stick with for more than a couple days, it’s far smarter to get yourself on a moderate plan that’s easily sustainable with your busy work schedule and something that you actually do enjoy doing.
That will be your ticket to success.
So this said, let’s look at some of the fast nutritional tips that you should be keeping in mind as you move along with your program. If you implement these, you can be sure that you will see the results that you’re after.

Get Your Calorie Intake Set

The very first thing that you’ll need to do if you want your diet to be successful is to make sure that you are setting your calorie intake. How many calories you take in on a day to day basis is going to influence the changes in your body weight that occur, so it’s important that you are regulating this to some degree.

While there are a number of fancy calculators out there that you can use that will give you approximations for how many calories you should be taking in daily, there is also a very simple and straightforward method you can do that does prove to be highly accurate.

This is to use a multiplier factor based around your body weight.
So for those who want to lose weight, you should be eating around 10-13 calories per pound of body weight, assuming you work at an office job.  If you happen to have an office job where you are out and about quite often throughout the day, you may be able to take that slightly higher up to 13 calories per pound of body weight as this will help to account for the additional activity that you are doing on a regular basis.

If you’re someone who wants to maintain their body weight, then the typical maintenance recommendations for you, as we mentioned above, will be 14-15 calories per pound of body weight.
Typically males should use the higher end of the spectrum while females should use the lower end.  Since males do contain more lean muscle mass tissue than women do, this increases their metabolic rate slightly higher.

Finally, if you’re someone who wants to build muscle mass, then you’ll need to eat a few more calories than you burn each day in order to support these mass gains, so you’ll want to be using an intake that’s up around 16-18 calories per pound of body weight.

Keep in mind that the higher you take your calorie intake here, the faster you will gain weight, however the higher the chances will be that you’ll gain fat along with muscle, so just keep that into account.  You want to eat more calories, but don’t want to overdo it or you will start noticing you’re getting more body fat on your frame.

Keep things in check and you’ll be fine gaining straight lean muscle mass.

Focus On Protein And Vegetables

The next important thing that you should be doing is placing your focus around protein and vegetable based meals for the most part.  This will be adjusted slightly depending on your goals for your body weight (lose, maintain, gain), with the goals of maintaining or gaining having you consuming some carbohydrates/dietary fats with each meal as well.

But, the basis of your diet should focus around lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, lean beef, seafood, eggs and egg whites, low fat dairy products, and whey protein powder.  These are going to provide your body with the raw materials it needs to generate more lean muscle mass and help to calm your appetite and keep your blood glucose levels under control.

If you can get in some form of lean protein with each meal and snack, you’ll be one step ahead of the game for maintaining an ideal body weight and body composition level.

In addition to your protein, you should also be eating plenty of vegetables as these will supply the needed fiber in your diet that will help ensure that you are keeping yourself feeling full and satisfied and also making sure that you further control blood glucose levels at all times.

Vegetables have so few calories in them as well that they are very easy additions to any diet plan without having to worry about weight gain coming on because of them.  Eat them as much as possible and in as high of volumes as possible.

Time Your Carbs Properly

Moving on, when it comes to carbohydrates, you’ll want to be sure that you time them properly.
There are three types of carbohydrates in the diet: complex carbs, simple carbs, and fibrous carbohydrates.

Fibrous carbohydrates are the vegetable carbs we mentioned above and should be eaten in bulk quantities throughout the day.

Complex carbs, on the other hand, are those that are going to be more energy dense and that are going to be digested more slowly in the body.

Examples of these would include oatmeal, brown rice, millet, quinoa, barley, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat breads, sweet potatoes, and yams.  These should be primarily eaten around the workout period as well as earlier on in the day when you need the fuel the most.

For those who are looking to control their body weight, you should avoid eating these carbohydrates later on in the evening hours or before bed as you’ll have a higher tendency to store excess body fat if you do and go over your calorie intake.

Simple carbs, on the other hand, are those that are going to break down quickly in the body, causing a high surge of blood glucose to occur and insulin to flood your system.  These should be avoided as much as possible in the diet regardless of what your goal is because they are simply not ideal for sustaining good health or an ideal body weight.

Examples of these include cakes, cookies, crackers, cereal bars, sugary snack foods, soda, and fruit juice. Cut these out as much as possible.

The one exception to the rule is real fruit, which can be eaten throughout the day in moderation. While fruit does contain some simple carbs, it also contains some dietary fiber along with a whole host of other nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, so is an ideal food for your diet plan.

Choose Healthy Fats

When it comes to healthy fats in your diet you don’t want to shun these entirely, but rather, choose properly.  Healthy fats are going to be important for maintaining good hormonal balance in the body as well as for making sure that you sustain long term energy levels.
Plus, because they won’t influence blood glucose levels at all, they earn top marks for keeping your hunger under control.

Healthy fats are more calorie dense than both proteins as well as carbs (which each contain four calories per gram while fats contain nine), so it’s imperative that you are making sure to carefully regulate your serving sizes.  Don’t overdo them or the calories will add up quickly.

The top sources of healthy fats to include in your diet are:
·         Nuts and natural nut butter
·         Seeds
·         Olive oil
·         Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil
·         Avocado
·         Fatty sources of fish

If you can stick primarily to these sources, you’ll be doing your body well while encouraging an ideal body composition.  Also keep in mind the fact that healthy fats should never be eaten around the workout period as they can cause you to become sluggish due to the lengthy digestion process they require.

Instead, keep them to the other meals, most notably the later meals in the day when your carbohydrate intake is being reduced.

Know Your Pre And Post Workout Nutrition

Moving along, next you need to be strongly considering your pre and post workout nutrition.  Since what you feed your body before and after the workout session will have a direct influence on your performance level, it’s a must that you are going to be eating correctly.

You want to be focusing on getting in a lean source of protein at both of these times as the protein is what will supply the amino acids that will kick-start the repair and recovery process.

In addition to that, you’ll also want to be sure to get in some complex carbohydrates as well such as the ones listed above.  This is the primary time when your body needs the energy, so you definitely do not want to be cutting yourself short.

Each snack should be around 200-300 calories for most people. The pre-workout snack should come around 30-60 minutes before the workout and the post-workout snack should come immediately after.

If you want to use your meal before the workout as the ‘pre-workout’ snack, this works as well and may be necessary if you’re on the calorie reduced diet plan to experience fat loss.

Schedule Cheat Days In Wisely

One question that’s always on the back of many people’s minds as they go about their diet is where cheat meals fit into the picture.  Can they have them and how often should they be doing them?
Cheat meals can definitely fit into the picture when planned properly and can help you see greater levels of success.

The important thing to keep in mind with the cheat meal is that it should come at a frequency rate of around once every 1-2 weeks and should be kept in control.

A 500-1000 calorie cheat meal won’t upset progress all that much.  A 4000 calorie cheat day will.  Keep it in moderation and you’ll be fine.

The nice thing about cheat meals is that they can serve to jump-start your metabolic rate as your body will instantly be getting the sign that more food has become available.
In addition to that, cheat meals also work wonders on your mental point of view, making sure that you are staying sane on the diet plan.  Ongoing dieting can really wear you down and a brief break from time to time can refresh and re-energize you to continue on track to faster results.

Try New Recipes Regularly

Speaking of falling off track due to struggling to stick to the diet plan, another way to combat this is to make sure that you are trying new recipes regularly.  It’s a must that you are making sure to liven up your diet, in a healthful manner, so that you don’t suffer from dietary boredom.
If you’re constantly eating the same five foods over and over again, you know for certain that boredom is going to set in.

Make a commitment to try one recipe each week and you’ll have that much of an easier time staying on track to see optimal success.

Always Track Your Progress

Finally, last but not least, remember that the process of putting together a nutrition plan and seeing success on it is an ongoing one. It’s going to be imperative that you are always making sure to adjust and adapt the diet as needed so that you can continue to go on and see the results that you’re after.
If you’re never monitoring how you’re doing and making adjustments, you’re never really going to know why you are or aren’t progressing as you are.
The more customized you can make your diet, the better you’ll do.
If you aren’t seeing the desired change in body weight (if that is the goal), adjust your calorie level.  If you aren’t feeling as well as you think you should be, alter your meals slightly.  Perhaps you need more dietary fat and fewer carbs or vice versa. 
Continually trying to learn your body is what will make sure that you are going to see the long term success you’re after.
If you keep these points in mind, you should have no problem seeing the success you desire on your diet program. 

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